We aim to provide a friendly, stimulating atmosphere in which your child can learn through play, with plenty of experienced staff to ensure individual support and attention.

The hall is set out with a variety of activities from which the children are free to choose, and are divided into seven areas of learning and development which form the Early Years Foundation Stage.

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Communication & Language

There is plenty of opportunity to develop language for thinking and communication and mark making leading to writing skills.


This focuses on movement and space, using equipment, a healthy lifestyle and fostering independence with self care. There is a secure space attached to the hall so that the children can choose to play inside or outside safely.

Personal, social and emotional development

This encourages self confidence and self esteem, building relationships, positive behaviour and self control as well as gaining a sense of community.

These three areas of the EYFS Framework are the 'prime areas' and essential for your child's healthy development and future learning.

As they grow the prime areas will help them to develop skills in the 4 specific areas which are:


Where there is plenty of opportunity to listen to stories or join in with songs and children are encouraged to look at letters and sounds.


This includes learning about numbers as labels and for counting, calculating and learning about shape, size and measure.

Understanding the world

There is a computer and other opportunities for ICT. There are also plenty of activities to explore and investigate, design and make, and to learn about time, the environment and communities.

Expressive art and design

There is plenty of opportunity to respond to experiences, communicate ideas and explore media and materials, create music and dance and develop imaginative play with areas such as the home corner and dressing up rack.


In order to help your child settle happily we hope that you will be able to visit once or twice for a short time together before your child starts and then perhaps stay with them during their first session. For many children this is enough as they will then know our names, some of the children, the routine and where the toilets are! Some children may need you to stay a little longer before they are comfortable entirely. The children are provided with a drink of milk/water and a light snack about half way through the morning. If your child has any dietary requirements or restrictions please speak to a staff member who will organize alternatives.

Once your child is happily settled you are always welcome to visit or help at any time. We are managed by a committee of parent representatives consisting of a Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and up to ten members. All parents are eligible to stand for election to the committee, so if you feel you would like to join this we would be delighted.

As members of the Pre-School Learning Alliance our aim is to enhance the development and education of children under statutory school age by encouraging parents to understand and provide for the needs of their children through community groups. Consequently we always welcome your participation in Pre-School and we value your comments and suggestions on any aspect of the pre-school.


At some point after your child turns two we will provide you with a written summary of how your child is progressing against the three prime areas. This will highlight areas where your child is progressing well and identify any where they may require extra help or support. Your 2 year old may be entitled to a free early education place of up to 15 hours per week subject to eligibility. If you think that you may be eligible you can apply online. If the application is successful, you will receive a confirmation email which the Pre-school will need to see before the free entitlement begins, and also complete a Parent Declaration Form. Please do not hesitate to ask if you need further details


These are £5.00 per hour, payable daily, weekly, monthly or termly.

An annual holiday entitlement may be taken, if booked in advance, but we regret that the fees are still payable if your child is sick as running costs remain the same. Exceptions are of course made if your child is hospitalised. From the 1st September, January or April after their 3rd birthday your child will be eligible for up to 15 hours universal free entitlement a week, or extended hours of up to 30 hours per week for working parents during term time only (38 weeks per year).Parents will be advised as to the procedure to check their eligibility to claim the extended entitlement. In order to access Free Early Education sessions parents will need to complete a ‘Parental Declaration Form’ each term. If your child is in receipt of DAF or you think that they are entitled to Early Years Pupil Premium please speak to the Pre-school manager who can supply more information. Any excess hours of early education above the first 15 or 30 hours will be charged by us at our hourly rate. Registration fees, deposits or fees for notice periods will not be charged. Entitlement to a free Early Education Place does not offer a guarantee of a place at any one provider or a particular pattern of delivery. We will need to see your child’s original birth certificate at registration. We try to provide flexible childcare whenever possible so please ask if for example you need to swap a session as a one off or extend it. We can usually comply with your request.

Obviously if your child attends afternoon or all day sessions they will also need to bring a packed lunch. Could you please ensure that their lunch box is labelled with their name on the outside and includes a non-fizzy drink and ice-pack. Spoons for yogurts and water or milk to drink can be provided. The children and staff all enjoy the social aspect of this time and we hope it plays its part in the transition from pre-school to school.

And Three Requests

Please do not bring your child into Pre-School if he/she has had a stomach upset or a high temperature until at least 48 hours has elapsed from the last symptoms. If your child is unable to attend pre-school for whatever reason please contact Frances (a text is fine).

Please do not send them in their best clothes, it is inevitable that they will become paint splashed etc.

Please, if your child is to be collected by someone other than a parent or guardian, ensure that a member of staff is inform


Three years after opening in 1989 Abbey Pre-School moved to it's current location of St Peter's church, River, Dover and has been an ideal setting for the children to learn and play.

Abbey Pre-School The Christian Centre Minnis Lane River Kent CT17 0RG

What others say?

"Children thrive at this extremely welcoming, inclusive and supportive setting. The staff provide a variety of high-quality learning experiences and demonstrate the utmost care and respect for children at all times. Children form strong bonds with staff and their friends, which helps them feel secure and safe at the setting. As a result, children settle quickly and with ease. - Ofsted" - full report here

See more testimonials here.